Zoom Vomero 5 - Wolf Grey/White/Metallic Silver Zoom Vomero 5 - Wolf Grey/White/Metallic Silver Zoom Vomero 5 - Wolf Grey/White/Metallic Silver Zoom Vomero 5 - Wolf Grey/White/Metallic Silver

Zoom Vomero 5 - Wolf Grey/White/Metallic Silver


The Nike Zoom Vomero 5 Premium in Wolf Grey/White/Metallic Silver. This iteration blends retro aesthetics with comfort and versatility, featuring mesh, leather, and TPU overlays. The collar pays homage to traditional stitching, adding a unique touch to this stylish and performance-oriented release that caters to both athletic and casual preferences.

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  • Breathable mesh base with synthetic overlays
  • Reflective elements for enhanced visibility
  • Cushion foam and Zoom Air unit
  • Style No: FJ4151-003